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Courses at Woodland Skills Centre Restart

Posted by Visit Clwydian Range on Saturday, 5th Sep 2020 at 07:34:49 PM

After 5 months of having to cancel the course programme due to Covid-19 restrictions, the Woodland Skills Centre in Bodfari is now open again. The centre specialises in running courses in traditional crafts as part of the campaign to keep traditional crafts alive.

There are 35 courses scheduled for September to November and as soon as they were listed on the website bookings started to come in from people from all over the UK eager to learn a new skill and take advantage of the relaxation of restrictions.

The centre recognises that not only are there lots of people who want to learn a new skill but that the tutors, who are expert craftspeople from all over the UK, normally rely for their income on running courses and selling their craft articles at shows and festivals – all of which opportunities have been closed to them this year.

Courses which are already booked up include Bushcraft, Growing and Using Medicinal Herbs, Willow Animal Sculpture, Make a Pole-lathe, Make a Rustic Chair, Split Hazel Basket, Ash Splint Basket and Welsh Frame Basket. For everyone who had hoped to do these courses and couldn’t get a place, the centre can promise that all of these courses will run again next year.

The centre is very conscious that the dangers of Covid-19 are still present. Numbers on courses have been reduced even though many courses are delivered outdoors or in a large wokshop area. All participants will have a non-contact temperature check on arrival, there will be hand gel in all areas, social distancing will be observed and details kept for the purposes of tracing.

Details of all courses can be found at www.woodlandskillscentre.uk or by emailing enquiries@woodlandskillscentre.co.uk

Rod Waterfield

Manager – Woodland Skills Centre

Posted by Visit Clwydian Range on Saturday, 5th Sep 2020 at 07:34:49 PM

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